Dec 16, 2019

गैस सब्सिडी स्थिति ऑनलाइन ऐसे करे चेक

जब भी हमें Gas subsidy status check करना होता है तो हम क्या करते हैं ? शायद हम अपने Gas की Subsidy चेक करने के लिए Gas एजेंसी जाते हैं या फिर अपने Bank account का statement चेक करते हैं | कई बार ऐसा होता है कि हमारी Gas subsidy हमारे अकाउंट पर नहीं आती | परंतु यह सब तरीके बहुत पुराने हो गए हैं और इस तरह चेक करने पर हमारा बहुत ज्यादा समय  चला जाता है 

आज मैं आपको एक ऐसा तरीका बताऊंगा जिसके द्वारा आप अपने मोबाइल या लैपटॉप से घर पर बैठे ही अपने गैस की सब्सिडी चेक कर सकते हैं | अगर आप यह तरीका पूरा जानना चाहते हैं तो इस पोस्ट को पूरा ध्यान से पढ़े और इस तरीके को अपनाएं | इसमें आपको online Subsidy की जानकारी लेने के बारे में बताएंगे आजकल बहुत सभी काम ऑनलाइन होता जा रहा है
इसी तरह आप अपने गैस सब्सिडी को भी ऑनलाइन और ऑफलाइन देख सकते हैं ऑनलाइन कामो के लिए आपको लम्बी लाइन में नहीं लगना पड़ता है और आप घर बैठे ही अपने मोबाइल या लैपटॉप से अपने गैस सब्सिडी की स्थिति को देख सकते हो तो अब बात करते हैं Gas Subsidy Status Online कैसे Check करें ? चलिए शुरू करते हैं और आपको विस्तार से बताते है।

Indane, Hp, Bharat Gas Subsidy Status Online Check Kaise Kare

इंडियन, एचपी, भारत गैस सब्सिडी स्थिति जांच करने की पूरी जानकारी हिंदी मे

[ Step 1 ] - इसके लिए सबसे पहले अपने मोबाइल में Chrome browser खोलिए और Mylpg सर्च कीजिए या फिर Myplg.In वेबसाइट ओपन कीजिए

[ Step 2 ] - अब आपके सामने वेबसाइट open होगी | उसमें आपको आप 3 Gas Cylinderदिखाई दे रहे होंगे | आप उस Gas cylinder image पर क्लिक कीजिए जिसका आप के पास कनेक्शन है | जैसे की निचे image में शो हो रहा

Indane, Hp, Bharat Gas Subsidy Status Online Check Kaise Kare

[ Step 3 ] - आपने जिस गैस सिलेंडर कि इमेज पर क्लिक किया होगा आप उस वेबसाइट पर ही डायरेक्ट हो जाएगी | अब गैस सब्सिडी चेक करने के लिए Feedback your Feedback Onlineपर क्लिक कीजिए |

[ Step 4 ] - अब आपके सामने एक पेज खुलेगा जिसमें आप अपना डिटेल भर सकते हैं | इसमें दो टाइप से अपनी रिटेल भर सकते हैं | पहले मैं आपकोLpg Id भरना है अगर आपको पता नहीं है Lpg Idक्या होता है तो मैं आपको बता दूं यह आपके गैस बुक पर लिखा होता है या फिर आप दूसरे तरीके में अपना राज्ये ज़िला और डिस्ट्रीब्यूट और consumer नंबर भरकर भी पता कर सकते हैं 
[ Step 5 ] - अब आपके सामने एक ऑप्शन होगा जिसमें लिखा है Feedback type इसमें से आपको Query पर क्लिक करना है

[ Step 6 ] - अब यहााँ आपको PAHAL (DBTL) related complaints के सामने DBTL Issue(Subsidy related) ऑप्शन दिख रहा होगा वही पर क्लिक करना है

[ Step 7 ] - अब आप को Captcha fill करना है | उसके बाद आपके सामने एक new New window window खुलगी जिसमे आपके Gas Cylinder की पूरी डिटेल शो होगी

Indane, Hp, Bharat Gas Subsidy Status Online Check Kaise Kare

[ Step 8 ] - अब आपको scroll down करके show last 6 month transaction पर क्लिक करना है | बस अब आपको यहाँ आपकी सारी Gas Subsidy कि डिटेल show हो जाएगी

ऊपर दिए गए तरीके को आपना कर आप भी घर बैठे अपने gas कि subsidy चेक कर सकते है | उम्मीद करता हु आपको मेरे दवारा दी गयी जानकारी बेहद पसंद आयी होगी | अगर आप को इस से सम्बंधित कोई सवाल है तो आप हमसे Comment Box में पूछ सकते है मैं आपकी समस्या का पूरी जानकारी देने का कोशिश करूँगा

Nov 26, 2019

हिंदी ब्लॉग के लिए बैकलिंक कहां से बनाएं
दोस्तों आज मैं एक बहुत ही अच्छे विषय के बारे में बात करने वाला हूं | सभी हिंदी Blogger जानना चाह रहे हैं कि वह अपने ब्लॉग के लिए Backlink कहां से बनाएं | Backlink के बारे में तो आप सभी जानते ही होंगे कि Banklink हमारे ब्लॉक के Rank के लिए कितना जरूरी है | लेकिन हिंदी ब्लॉगर की सबसे बड़ी दिक्कत  यह आती है कि वह अपने हिंदी ब्लॉग पोस्ट के लिए Quality Backlink कहां से और कैसे बनाएं | 

तो दोस्तों मैं आज आपको यही बताने वाला हूं कि आप अपने हिंदी ब्लॉग के लिए Banklink कहां से बना सकते हैं | अगर आप एक हिंदी ब्लॉगर है तो आपको यह आर्टिकल पूरा पढ़ना चाहिए ताकि आपको समझ में आ जाएगी हिंदी Blog के लिए Banklink कैसे और कहां से बनाएं | मैं Backlink बनाने के 2 तरीकों के बारे में आपको बताऊंगा |

Guest Blogging

Guest Blogging क्या मतलब होता है Guest के रूप में दूसरे वेबसाइट पर पोस्ट डालना | जब आप कोई पोस्ट किसी दूसरे की वेबसाइट पर पब्लिश करते हैं तो यह Guest post कहलाता हैं | लेकिन आप दूसरे की वेबसाइट पर अपनी मर्जी से पोस्ट नहीं डाल सकते | आपको अपने niche के हिसाब से दूसरा ब्लॉक ढूंढना होता है जो कि आपके ब्लॉक के मामले में बहुत अच्छा हो और यह भी ध्यान रखना चाहिए कि वह ब्लॉग guest post लेते हैं | 

अगर ऐसा है तो आप उसके मालिक से बात करके अपना Guest post submit कर सकते हैं | आप अपने Guest post मैं अपनी दूसरी पोस्ट का लिंक दे सकते हैं | जैसे आपको बहुत सारे Backlinks मिल जाएंगे| आपको याद रखना है कि आप हमेशा Guest post अपने niche के हिसाब से दूसरे ब्लॉक पर करना है| 

जिसका niche भी आपके ब्लॉग से same हो | आपको बढ़िया क्वालिटी का Guest post लिखना है | याद रहे कि आपको कभी भी Low quality Guest post नहीं लिखना है |

Social media sharing 

आपने बहुत सारे ब्लॉक देखे होंगे जिसने पोस्ट खत्म होने पर नीचे Social media sharing button लगा होता है | यह आपने बहुत से ऐसे ब्लॉग भी देखे होंगे जिसके नीचे स्क्रीन में Social media sharing button लगा होता है | इस With Social Media Sharing Button आप अपने आर्टिकल को कुछ ऐसा second मैं अपने दोस्तों के साथ शेयर कर सकते हैं|

 यहां पर अलग-अलग social media के बटन लगे होते हैं | जिसकी मदद से आप अलग-अलग social media पर अपना पोस्ट शेयर कर सकते हैं | शेयर करने से होता है यह है कि आपको एक Backlink भी मिल जाता है | जिस पर कोई भी व्यक्ति क्लिक करके आपके आर्टिकल या वेबसाइट पर आ जाता है| 

अगर आप चाहते हैं कि आपके पोस्ट आपके पोस्ट पढ़ने वाले शेयर करे तो आपको अपने पाठकों को  Quality Content के साथ खुश करना होगा | जब उनको आपका आर्टिकल पसंद /अच्छा लगा हो, तो वह खुद ही दोस्तों और रिस्तेदार को शेयर करेंगा |

तो यह दो तरीके थे अपने ब्लॉग के लिए बैक लिंक बनाने के | बैक लिंक आजकल इतना मायने नहीं रखता जितना कि एक Quality content रखता है | मैं कहना चाहूंगा कि आप अपने Content को बहुत ही अच्छे तरीके से लिखें | यदि आप मुझसे पूछते हैं कि मेरे backlinks के बारे में क्या विचार हैं तो मेरा ये उत्तर है:

हाँ मैं जानता हूँ और इसे मानता भी हूँ कि अच्छी rankings में backlinks अपना योगदान देते हैं लेकिन सबसे महत्वपूर्ण factor आपका Quality content है, मैं backlinks build करने की जगह हमेशा Quality content लिखने पर अपना समय व्यतीत करता हूँ | क्योंकि अगर मेरा content अच्छा होगा तो मेरे पाठक ध्यान से पढ़ेंगे और समझेंगे फिर उससे पसंद भी आएगा,
हमरा हमेशा से यही कोशिश करता है की आपको सही और सभी जानकारी एक साथ मिले अगर आपको मेरे द्वारा बताई गई यह लेख अच्छी या आपके लिए मददगार रहा तो आप कमेंट बॉक्स में अपना सुझाव दे सकते हो  और अगर इस लेख में कुछ छूट गया हो तो आप मुझे वह भी बता सकते हो | मैं इसमें अगली अपडेट में सुधार करने की कोशिश करूंगा | उम्मीद करता हूं आपको मेरे द्वारा दी गई जानकारी से आप संतुष्ट  है |

Nov 25, 2019

what is blog
We don’t want to admit it, but here goes: the Apple iPhone is a good smartphone. It’s even a great one, so long as you’re comfortable with iOS and aren’t overly attached to Android.
The iPhone is also a very popular smartphone, particularly in the U.S. According to research firm Counterpoint, Apple accounted for 41 percent of smartphone shipments during Q1 2019. Apple’s market share has fluctuated during the last year, but it’s held at least 37 percent of the U.S. smartphone market since Q1 2018.
Here’s what we have so far: the iPhone is a great smartphone and people you know like walk around with one in their pockets. Say you want to join them and buy Apple’s smartphone sometime soon. Let’s make your buying decision a bit easier with our iPhone buying guide.
The best iPhones:

  • Apple iPhone 11
  • Apple iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone 11 Pro Max
  • Apple iPhone XR
  • Apple iPhone 8

  • Editor’s note: We will update our iPhone buying guide as new iPhones launch.
    Hello @
    iphone 11 rear - iphone buying guide
    As good as the iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone 11 Pro Max are, their high-end features come with equally high-end price tags. If you want a relatively-affordable iPhone and don’t care much for things like display resolution and triple camera systems, the Apple iPhone 11 is your pick.
    Apple still sells the iPhone XR for $599, but the iPhone 11 gets you so much more for an extra $100. There’s a rear dual camera system, the A13 Bionic, a slightly larger 3,110mAh battery, and more-sophisticated color choices.
    The iPhone 11’s Super Retina LCD display is a step-down from the iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone 11 Pro Max’s OLED displays in resolution and vibrancy. That said, you don’t notice the differences quite as much in the real world.
    Best of all, the iPhone 11 starts at $699. That’s significantly less than the iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone 11 Pro Max’s starting prices.
    Check pricing

    Apple iPhone 11 specs:

  • Display: 6.1-inch, 1,792 x 828 LCD
  • Chipset: A13 Bionic
  • RAM: 4GB
  • Storage: 64/128/256GB
  • Rear cameras: 12 and 12MP
  • Front camera: 12MP
  • Battery: 3,110mAh
  • Software: iOS 13

  • 2. Apple iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone 11 Pro Max: Money is no object

    iPhone 11 Pro Max Rear in Hand - iphone buying guide
    If you want an uncompromising iPhone experience and have deep pockets, the iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone 11 Pro Max are currently your best choices.
    The stainless steel frame is sandwiched between two glass panels, with Apple giving the rear panel a soft matte finish. Also around back is a triple camera system, a first for iPhones. The triple camera system comprises of three 12MP sensors with wide, ultra-wide, and telephoto focal lengths.
    The iPhone 11 Pro is the smaller of the two and features a 5.8-inch display. The iPhone 11 Pro Max features a bigger 6.5-inch display. Apple markets the two displays as Super Retina XDR OLED displays. The name is very clunky, but the two Super Retina XDA displays are among the best smartphone displays we’ve seen.
    That’s before we get to the A13 Bionic, a beast of a processor that helped the iPhone 11 Pro Max outperform the competition in our review. Also taking into account the excellent camera output, reassuring heft, long-lasting battery, and smooth iOS 13 operation, and you have the two best iPhones you can get.
    The iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone 11 Pro Max start at $999 and $1,099, respectively.
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    Apple iPhone 11 Pro specs:

  • Display: 5.8-inch, 2,436 x 1,125 AMOLED
  • Chipset: A13 Bionic
  • RAM: 4GB
  • Storage: 64/256/512GB
  • Rear cameras: 12, 12, and 12MP
  • Front camera: 12MP
  • Battery: 3,046mAh
  • Software: iOS 13
  • Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max specs:

  • Display: 6.5-inch, 2,688 x 1,242 AMOLED
  • Chipset: A13 Bionic
  • RAM: 4GB
  • Storage: 64/256/512GB
  • Rear cameras: 12, 12, and 12MP
  • Front camera: 12MP
  • Battery: 3,969mAh
  • Software: iOS 13

  • 3. Apple iPhone XR: Cheapest entry into modern iPhones

    Apple iPhone XR official render - iphone buying guide
    The iPhone 11’s $699 price tag makes it the best entry point for the new iPhones, but say you’re okay with something slightly older. Say you want an iPhone with a modern design and a lower price tag. Say hello to the Apple iPhone XR.
    The iPhone XR’s specs are predictably a few steps behind those of the iPhone 11, but it’s not a huge gap. You still have the powerful A12 Bionic processor, a 6.1-inch LCD display, a 2,942mAh battery that lasts all day and then some, a rear 12MP camera capable of nice shots, and several years of updates.
    Something to consider is the single rear camera, which doesn’t offer as much versatility as the iPhone 11’s dual camera system. Also, the 3GB of RAM don’t offer as much future-proofing as the 4GB of RAM in the newer iPhones.
    That said, you can get the iPhone XR with 128GB of storage for the same price as the base iPhone 11 with 64GB. If you don’t need that much storage, the iPhone XR starts at $599 for 64GB.
    Check pricing
    Apple iPhone XR specs:

  • Display: 6.1-inch, 1,792 x 828 LCD
  • Chipset: A12 Bionic
  • RAM: 3GB
  • Storage: 64/128GB
  • Rear camera: 12MP
  • Front camera: 7MP
  • Battery: 2,942mAh
  • Software: iOS 13

  • 4. Apple iPhone 8: For the frugal

    Apple iPhone 8 press render - iphone buying guide
    If you’re someone who just wants an iPhone and can’t stretch their wallets too much, the Apple iPhone 8 remains a solid choice.
    Because of how old it is, you’ll have to consider more with the iPhone 8 than with other iPhones. The bezels are chunkier than those of newer iPhones, while the A11 Bionic is now two generations old. Also, the 4.7-inch display might be too small for those with larger hands and the 1,821mAh battery is laughably small for today’s standards.
    Even with the aforementioned concessions, the iPhone 8 remains a great performer with a high-end metal and glass build. You still get stereo speakers, wireless charging, and software updates for at least a few more years.
    The iPhone 8 starts at $449. We’d advise against buying the iPhone 8 Plus, since it’s only $50 less than the iPhone XR.
    Check pricing
    Apple iPhone 8 specs:

  • Display: 4.7-inch, 1,334 x 750 LCD
  • Chipset: A11 Bionic
  • RAM: 2GB
  • Storage: 64/128GB
  • Rear camera: 12MP
  • Front camera: 7MP
  • Battery: 1,821mAh
  • Software: iOS 13

  • That’s it for our iPhone buying guide. For more on Apple, check out the widget
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    Nov 8, 2019

    Making place for visually impaired in today’s technology-driven world - Blog
    Making place for visually impaired in today’s technology-driven world  - I wish I had a more eloquent story to talk about the events leading to my mini-epiphany that eventually translated into this blog post. Imagine something along the lines of — it was a warm afternoon in Vizag. The rain had just restored the green in the leaves and rendered the sky into a radiant shade of blue. 
    Nope. This was how reality went: At around 3 pm on a hot and humid day, during a conversation about the organisation’s latest course on Mobile Technology, which teaches visually impaired students how to use smartphones, Mr. Raju, the President of Vision Aid, remarked that by not introducing such technologies to these students, we were leaving them behind, in a world that was slowly growing archaic, especially when compared to the one inhabited by their sighted peers. In that moment, I felt like the central character in any quintessential detective/crime TV show, where a casual remark sets the prelude to a dramatic epiphany. Although slightly less dramatic, this remark prompted me to think more critically about the questions that I started my blog post with, the implications behind asking them, what they might reveal about our presumptions, especially my own, and how these presumptions have and continue to colour our understanding of inclusion and inclusive design. 

    How To improve your skill ?

    In an attempt to bridge the accessibility gap between the worlds inhabited by the visually impaired and sighted folk, Vision Aid has pioneered computer training programs, namely their Certificate in Computer Application (CCA) and Diploma in Computer Application (DCA) programs, whose aim is to empower the visually impaired students by providing intensive one-on-one training on computer use, from learning how to type all the way to coding in Python![1]It was these courses that elicited the infamous ‘wait what?!’ question. 
    Genuine curiosity aside, that it was so hard for me to fathom a visually impaired student mastering the computer started to chip away at some of the ingrained assumptions and judgements I made about the ability of the visually impaired. It was disconcerting, yet crucial, to confront these assumptions and assessments that I, unknowingly or knowingly, had made about what the visually impaired can and can’t do and what they might feel most comfortable doing. Worse still is that these conclusions often form the basis of justifications about why the visually impaired may not be able to fit into our world.
    Making place for visually impaired in today’s technology-driven world
    Making place for visually impaired in today’s technology-driven world

    For me, this confrontation explicitly underscored a saviour complex, unwittingly or wittingly, built into our interactions with the community. More subtly, it also revealed an insidious power imbalance where those holding economic and social power, mostly the sighted folk, convince themselves of a reality (in this context, that a visually impaired student can’t type and hence, can’t perform a job requiring the use of a computer) that is not only untrue, but also is one that tangibly harms the livelihoods of the visually impaired. Simply put, being aware of our positionality and biases, acquired or inherent, can help better see the assumptions that colour our interactions with the visually impaired and how they potentially strip the community of their agency and ability to invest in skill sets that move beyond just tactile skills. 
    These questions also made me acutely aware of another implication of my assumptions — I was reinforcing education and employment models that have little to no place in today’s competitive world. In my conversations with trainers and teachers who work with the visually impaired community, the key idea that was repeatedly highlighted was this lack of investment in developing ability, as opposed to catering to emotions. They argued that even today, a big part of society uses the “charity model”[2] when talking about disability i.e, viewing the visually impaired as a people to be sympathised with and towards whom to be charitable. Not only does this model reinforce dangerous assumptions, but also creates an environment in which society views the visually impaired community as less than, specifically in the context of education and careers, and pushes investment away from finding meaningful ways to include them in our technology-driven world. Maybe it is time we start to internalise the visually impaired as doctors, photographers[3], engineers, or anything they want to be, as opposed to only in some finite set of jobs we might impose on them. This is also why I think Vision Aid’s CCA and DCA programmes are so powerful — they take a step towards investing in the visually impaired students’ ability, not the stereotype. 
    Over the past weeks, my time as an AIF Clinton Fellow with Vision Aid has taught me that investing in ability and skills gives the visually impaired a chance to define their own career paths and identity. For me, it has been a step forward in truly including them in our professional and social spaces. In the specific context of computer-use, with tools like Non-Visual Desktop Access (NVDA) and Job Access with Speech (JAWS), there is barely any difference between computer usability, sight or no sight. Just try having a typing contest with Krishna, a student at Vision Aid.
    Members from the board of Vision Aid also emphasised that their CCA and DCA programs were a huge step in pushing the envelope on empowerment. They say that these programmes not only educate but also help the visually impaired by helping them translate this human capital into economic and social capital. This brings me to the last part of my epiphany: employability. Time to do a full circle and come back to the questions about not learning Braille. Among the students at Vision Aid, although several know Braille, almost no one uses it today. Another important (and for some, surprising) fact is that there is no one type of braille: braille is not universal and there are different braille systems for both, within the same language and across different languages.[4] Think about this within the Indian context and the complexity it adds to the accessibility discourse! More so, in my interviews with the students at Vision Aid, all the students pointed to recorders, phones, and laptops as their go-to means of note-taking. So why then, was I still doggedly stuck in the Braille age? To be clear, Braille is an extremely helpful tool for millions.
    However, boxing the visually impaired as a community whose best, or ideal, the option is Braille perpetuates harmful stereotypes. Learning and using Braille is a choice that should be left to the visually impaired, not to the sighted. At Vision Aid, technology has immensely helped people see the independence of the visually impaired instead of their need for dependence. This focus on their skillset has largely laid the foundation to view these students as competitive applicants in the job market. Ask any of the students at Vision Aid what they hope to achieve at the end of their training and you’ll hear one resounding answer — a job. So maybe it is time we start to invest in a model that in turn invests in ability and skill-building to help the visually impaired have their shot in our hyper-competitive job market, not simply create a separate one. Isn’t this separate world, by definition, accommodation, and not true inclusion? 
    Based on my time working at Vision Aid, the key question I had hoped to analyse was whether we were creating different worlds, moving at different paces from each other, instead of trying to create one world where we were all on the same page, tackling its incredulous pace together. Although I feel like I’ve only scratched the surface of the issue and am left with more questions than answers, I’m glad that my past few weeks have given me the exposure and experiences to start asking such questions, be more aware of my own biases, and push the envelope when thinking about inclusion and access for the visually impaired. 

    Nov 6, 2019

    Apple iPhone buying guide: Which iPhone is right for you ?
    We don’t want to admit it, but here goes: the Apple iPhone is a good smartphone. It’s even a great one, so long as you’re comfortable with iOS and aren’t overly attached to Android.
    The iPhone is also a very popular smartphone, particularly in the U.S. According to research firm Counterpoint, Apple accounted for 41 percent of smartphone shipments during Q1 2019. Apple’s market share has fluctuated during the last year, but it’s held at least 37 percent of the U.S. smartphone market since Q1 2018.
    Here’s what we have so far: the iPhone is a great smartphone and people you know like walk around with one in their pockets. Say you want to join them and buy Apple’s smartphone sometime soon. Let’s make your buying decision a bit easier with our iPhone buying guide.
    The best iPhones:
  • Apple iPhone 11
  • Apple iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone 11 Pro Max
  • Apple iPhone XR
  • Apple iPhone 8
  • Editor’s note: We will update our iPhone buying guide as new iPhones launch.

    1. Apple iPhone 11: The best for most people

    iphone 11 rear - iphone buying guide
    As good as the iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone 11 Pro Max are, their high-end features come with equally high-end price tags. If you want a relatively-affordable iPhone and don’t care much for things like display resolution and triple camera systems, the Apple iPhone 11 is your pick.
    Apple still sells the iPhone XR for $599, but the iPhone 11 gets you so much more for an extra $100. There’s a rear dual camera system, the A13 Bionic, a slightly larger 3,110mAh battery, and more-sophisticated color choices.
    The iPhone 11’s Super Retina LCD display is a step-down from the iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone 11 Pro Max’s OLED displays in resolution and vibrancy. That said, you don’t notice the differences quite as much in the real world.
    Best of all, the iPhone 11 starts at $699. That’s significantly less than the iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone 11 Pro Max’s starting prices.
    Check pricing

    Apple iPhone 11 specs:

  • Display: 6.1-inch, 1,792 x 828 LCD
  • Chipset: A13 Bionic
  • RAM: 4GB
  • Storage: 64/128/256GB
  • Rear cameras: 12 and 12MP
  • Front camera: 12MP
  • Battery: 3,110mAh
  • Software: iOS 13
  • 2. Apple iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone 11 Pro Max: Money is no object

    iPhone 11 Pro Max Rear in Hand - iphone buying guide
    If you want an uncompromising iPhone experience and have deep pockets, the iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone 11 Pro Max are currently your best choices.
    The stainless steel frame is sandwiched between two glass panels, with Apple giving the rear panel a soft matte finish. Also around back is a triple camera system, a first for iPhones. The triple camera system comprises of three 12MP sensors with wide, ultra-wide, and telephoto focal lengths.
    The iPhone 11 Pro is the smaller of the two and features a 5.8-inch display. The iPhone 11 Pro Max features a bigger 6.5-inch display. Apple markets the two displays as Super Retina XDR OLED displays. The name is very clunky, but the two Super Retina XDA displays are among the best smartphone displays we’ve seen.
    That’s before we get to the A13 Bionic, a beast of a processor that helped the iPhone 11 Pro Max outperform the competition in our review. Also taking into account the excellent camera output, reassuring heft, long-lasting battery, and smooth iOS 13 operation, and you have the two best iPhones you can get.
    The iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone 11 Pro Max start at $999 and $1,099, respectively.
    Check pricing
    Apple iPhone 11 Pro specs:
  • Display: 5.8-inch, 2,436 x 1,125 AMOLED
  • Chipset: A13 Bionic
  • RAM: 4GB
  • Storage: 64/256/512GB
  • Rear cameras: 12, 12, and 12MP
  • Front camera: 12MP
  • Battery: 3,046mAh
  • Software: iOS 13
  • Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max specs:
  • Display: 6.5-inch, 2,688 x 1,242 AMOLED
  • Chipset: A13 Bionic
  • RAM: 4GB
  • Storage: 64/256/512GB
  • Rear cameras: 12, 12, and 12MP
  • Front camera: 12MP
  • Battery: 3,969mAh
  • Software: iOS 13
  • 3. Apple iPhone XR: Cheapest entry into modern iPhones

    Apple iPhone XR official render - iphone buying guide
    The iPhone 11’s $699 price tag makes it the best entry point for the new iPhones, but say you’re okay with something slightly older. Say you want an iPhone with a modern design and a lower price tag. Say hello to the Apple iPhone XR.
    The iPhone XR’s specs are predictably a few steps behind those of the iPhone 11, but it’s not a huge gap. You still have the powerful A12 Bionic processor, a 6.1-inch LCD display, a 2,942mAh battery that lasts all day and then some, a rear 12MP camera capable of nice shots, and several years of updates.
    Something to consider is the single rear camera, which doesn’t offer as much versatility as the iPhone 11’s dual camera system. Also, the 3GB of RAM don’t offer as much future-proofing as the 4GB of RAM in the newer iPhones.
    That said, you can get the iPhone XR with 128GB of storage for the same price as the base iPhone 11 with 64GB. If you don’t need that much storage, the iPhone XR starts at $599 for 64GB.
    Check pricing
    Apple iPhone XR specs:
  • Display: 6.1-inch, 1,792 x 828 LCD
  • Chipset: A12 Bionic
  • RAM: 3GB
  • Storage: 64/128GB
  • Rear camera: 12MP
  • Front camera: 7MP
  • Battery: 2,942mAh
  • Software: iOS 13
  • 4. Apple iPhone 8: For the frugal

    Apple iPhone 8 press render - iphone buying guide
    If you’re someone who just wants an iPhone and can’t stretch their wallets too much, the Apple iPhone 8 remains a solid choice.
    Because of how old it is, you’ll have to consider more with the iPhone 8 than with other iPhones. The bezels are chunkier than those of newer iPhones, while the A11 Bionic is now two generations old. Also, the 4.7-inch display might be too small for those with larger hands and the 1,821mAh battery is laughably small for today’s standards.
    Even with the aforementioned concessions, the iPhone 8 remains a great performer with a high-end metal and glass build. You still get stereo speakers, wireless charging, and software updates for at least a few more years.
    The iPhone 8 starts at $449. We’d advise against buying the iPhone 8 Plus, since it’s only $50 less than the iPhone XR.
    Check pricing
    Apple iPhone 8 specs:
  • Display: 4.7-inch, 1,334 x 750 LCD
  • Chipset: A11 Bionic
  • RAM: 2GB
  • Storage: 64/128GB
  • Rear camera: 12MP
  • Front camera: 7MP
  • Battery: 1,821mAh
  • Software: iOS 13
  • That’s it for our iPhone buying guide. For more on Apple, check out the widget
    10 tips to help you become a Pixel 4 expert
    10 tips to help you become a Pixel 4 expert - The new Google Pixel 4 and Pixel 4 XL are here, and if you've invested in one of them, you're going to want to know how to get the most out of it as quickly as possible.
    From shooting amazing photos in the middle of the night to getting your new Google phone to wake you up gently in the morning, there are a lot of cool things you can do with your new gadget.
    All these tips cover both the Pixel 4 and the Pixel 4 XL, so wherever you see the Pixel 4 mentioned below, we're talking about the XL, too.

    1. Take photos of the night sky

    The Pixel 4 phones really can take photos of the stars in the night sky—provided you leave the exposure to run for four minutes. If you want to attempt this, you'll need a tripod or something to prop up your phone to make it work. As long as there's not too much light pollution nearby, the results can be fantastic.
    a hand holding a remote control: The Pixel 4 is one of the last phones with a forehead, but that doesn't mean it's stuck in the past.

    The Pixel 4 is one of the last phones with a forehead, but that doesn't mean it's stuck in the past.
    The astrophotography mode is hidden inside the Night Sight mode, and enables itself automatically when it detects a very dark scene (whether or not stars are visible). Switch to Night Sight in the camera by swiping across the modes next to the shutter button, and if the framing is right, you should see an on-screen notification that the astro mode is active.
    Hit the shutter button and you should see a countdown for four minutes (or less, depending on the available light). Keep your Pixel 4 perfectly still until it's finished—and if there are people in the shot, get them to keep perfectly still too.

    2. Transcribe audio in real time

    Another Pixel 4 exclusive is the Recorder app, which comes preinstalled on the newest Google smartphones. It uses the AI computational features on the device itself to transcribe audio in real time—so as you speak out your voice memos, you'll see the words appear on the screen.
    Although it’s not perfect, based on our testing, this feature is impressively accurate at recognizing words. If you spend a lot of time taking notes at meetings or lectures, or interviewing people, it could save you a significant amount of time and effort.
    a screenshot of a cell phone: Unless you're talking impossibly fast, the Pixel 4 will record and transcribe those genius trains of thought you recite to yourself, on the go.

    Unless you're talking impossibly fast, the Pixel 4 will record and transcribe those genius trains of thought you recite to yourself, on the go.
    You can search through your recordings after you've saved them, and even look for certain types of sound—just type in "music" or "applause," and Google's machine learning will identify them for you.
    a screenshot of a cell phone: Face Unlock is really helpful, but do yourself a favor and set up an alternative method to unlock your phone just in case you decide to paint your face to support your team.

    Face Unlock is really helpful, but do yourself a favor and set up an alternative method to unlock your phone just in case you decide to paint your face to support your team.

    3. Skip songs with a swipe

    The Pixel 4 comes fitted with Motion Sense, which uses a tiny sensor built into the top of the handset. Among other cool actions, the sensor illuminates the screen when you're about to pick up your phone and allows you to decline calls or skip through a playlist without even touching the display.
    Song-skipping works in most music apps, including Apple Music, YouTube Music, and Spotify—swipe right in the air above your phone to skip forward, or left to go back. To configure Motion Sense, go to Settings, System, then Motion Sense. You can alter the swipe direction, disable certain features, and more.

    4. Unlock your phone with your face

    The Pixel 4 phones aren't the first to feature a face unlocking mechanism, but the tech on board these handsets is designed to make it more seamless than ever—as in, you shouldn't even see the lock screen as you pick up your phone and look at it.
    a screenshot of a cell phone: It's not really chatting if you have to say, "Hey Google," each time you talk. The Pixel 4 responds more seamlessly to follow-up queries.

    It's not really chatting if you have to say, "Hey Google," each time you talk. The Pixel 4 responds more seamlessly to follow-up queries.
    The Pixel 4 will ask you to set up face unlock when you first set it up, but you can get back to the same configuration screen by choosing Security, then Face Unlock from Android Settings. There, you can reintroduce the lock screen swipe to the process if you want to. We'd recommend having a secondary unlock mechanism in place too, like a PIN code, just in case.

    5. Ramp up the refresh rate

    One of the headline features on the new Pixel 4 phone is the 90Hz display refresh rate, higher than the industry standard of 60Hz. The screen updates 90 times per second rather than 60, meaning smoother scrolling for games, webpages, and all your apps. But the 90Hz refresh rate isn't in force all the time—the phone will manage it to conserve battery life, and will disable it when brightness levels hits 75 percent or lower.
    If you want to take the battery life hit and have the 90Hz refresh rate all the time, you'll need to enable developer mode. From Settings, tap About phone, then tap Build number seven times in a row. You should see a message saying that developer mode has been enabled.
    Then, in Settings, you'll find a new Developer options menu under System and Advanced. Head to the new menu, and you'll see an option to Force 90 Hz refresh rate.

    6. Chat with the Google Assistant

    Google Assistant is rocking some new tweaks on the Pixel 4 and Pixel 4 XL, though these may eventually trickle down to the Assistant on older Pixels as well. You can launch the Assistant on Pixel 4 phones with a swipe up from the bottom left-hand or right-hand corner, or via the "Hey Google" command.
    You can't do anything dramatically different with the Assistant on the Pixel 4 than you can on other phones, but it should be better at understanding follow-up questions without needing the "Hey Google" command each time. Responses should be faster, too, because the Pixel 4 stores more AI technology on the phone and relies less on the cloud.
    a screenshot of a cell phone: New Pixels mean new wallpapers.New Pixels mean new wallpapers.

    7. Get closer to the action

    In terms of physical hardware, the Pixel 4 and Pixel 4 XL add an extra telephoto lens to the camera, that their Pixel 3 predecessors don't have. This means you can get twice as close to the action with optical zoom, and even closer through what Google calls Super Res Zoom.
    Super Res Zoom uses algorithms to fill in detail when you zoom in on an image, combining multiple frames together to reduce blurring and pixelation. Google says you should zoom in whenever you need to on a Pixel 4, rather than taking a shot and then cropping it to get a close up.
    Just pinch and expand two fingers on the screen to zoom in, and you'll see the zoom level at the side of the screen. Anything up to two times magnification (2x) is using the telephoto lens, and then beyond that, all the way up to 8x, is using Super Res Zoom.

    8. Change up your wallpaper

    New Pixel phones mean new wallpaper, and that's exactly the case with the Pixel 4 handsets. Long press on a blank area of the home screen and then choose Styles & wallpapers to change the backdrop of your phone.
    a close up of a sign: You can charge your Pixel with any wireless charger, but the Pixel Stand will give it special features.

    You can charge your Pixel with any wireless charger, but the Pixel Stand will give it special features.
    Just about every category has new options for Pixel 4 users, as well as the older images from previous Pixels. Look for the Coming Alive or Living Universeoptions if you want to pick from wallpapers that adjust as you move your phone or change with the time of day.

    9. Learn your gestures

    Android 10 on the Pixel 4 ushers in a new era of Android navigation, with gestures at the fore. This means the new Google flagship works very much like an iPhone, with a swipe up from the bottom of the display leading you back to the home screen, and a swipe up and hold bringing up your recent apps. You can go back with a swipe in from the right or left side of the screen.
    To change how gestures work, or to go back to the traditional three-button approach, open up Settings, then pick System and Gestures. You can enable or disable features like tapping the screen to show notifications, and bring back the navigation buttons by selecting System navigation.

    10. Buy a wireless charger

    Like the Pixel 3 phones before them, the Pixel 4 handsets support wireless charging, and Google will sell you a capable wireless charger called the Pixel Stand for $80.
    You might want to get this charger, rather than any other, because it comes with some Pixel-specific tricks: It can increase the ambient light of the display in time to gently wake you up, and it can automatically turn on Do Not Disturb at night. It'll even double as a photo frame when used with Google Photos.